The class of MAP is now a month into their Vermiculture project. They’ve made some huge progress. For starters, they finally got the worm bin up and running! All the worms have been doing a good job of eating our leftovers, including some delicious apples and cucumbers.
We’ve also updated the Vermi groups. This month, we only have 3 of the original 6 groups. We have Outreach, which is currently brainstorming different ideas on how to educate the community and other classrooms. So far, they’ve thought of ideas such as a video, or maybe a skit. We also have web presence, which is in charge of updating our blog. In this group, we have people in charge of taking photos, managing instagram, creating the blog posts, and editing them. This group is responsible for creating the blog post you’re reading right now. Finally, we have the Vermicrew. They’re in charge of caring for the worms. They by far have the hardest jobs. From changing the dirt, to cleaning the bin, they make sure that the worms are as happy as can be! And, they do it daily!
Moving on from the groups, we have had a recent development in how we keep the scraps. We bought a minifridge for storing the scraps! This will help us keep the leftovers in shape until they are ready to be fed to the worms! On that note, we have been feeding the worms many new things, such as cut up apple cores, and bread.
Cucumbers, apples, and papayas may seem like they’re healthy for the worms, and they are, but they all have one thing in common. Seeds. If the worms eat the seeds, they could get sick and be unable to compost. So, our new protocol is, if it has seeds, you remove the seeds before feeding it to the worms. That way, the worms can stay nice and healthy throughout their life.
In conclusion, we have made huge progress in our 8th year Vermiculture project. February has definitely been a good month! Thank you for reading! See you soon! Bye!
By – Molly McKeown, 6th grade